10 ways to improve reach truck safety today

10 ways to improve reach truck safety today: RTITB India

Accidents involving reach trucks and other forklift types are largely avoidable, yet still far too widespread in Indian supply chain operations. Below are ten of the simplest ways to improve safety for your Reach Truck Operators and those around them.

1. Never Operate a Truck You’re Not Trained to Use

Operators should never operate a reach truck without proper training. Safe operation guidelines vary for different types of trucks, so having a stacker truck or forklift license doesn’t guarantee safety when using a reach truck. Proper training is essential for safe operations.

2. Use the Correct Truck for the Application

Different lift trucks are suited for specific tasks. Ensure that the reach truck is the correct type for the environment and situation it’s working in to enhance both productivity and safety.

3. Be ‘Fit’ to Operate the Truck Safely

Operators should avoid using a reach truck if they are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or strong medications that cause drowsiness. Safety is paramount, so operators who are unwell or overtired should also refrain from operating the equipment.

4. Prioritize Awareness

Awareness of the working environment is crucial. Reach truck operators should pay close attention to their surroundings. Mobile phones or handheld devices should not be used while driving. Operators who need glasses should always wear them.

5. Know the Signs

Operators must be aware of site-specific traffic flows, safety signs, traffic lights, signals, and speed limits. In the absence of signs or signals, use hand signals, safety lights, audible warnings, and verbal communication to ensure clarity and safety.

6. Remember – the Forks are Sacred!

Forks are designed for specific tasks and should not be misused. Passengers should never ride on the reach truck or the forks, and no one should be lifted on the forks, attachments, or pallets. Avoid standing or walking under raised fork arms.

7. Be Aware of Pedestrians

Pedestrians are vulnerable in lift truck operations. Operators should drive slowly and carefully around pedestrians, even if none are visible. Avoid driving in pedestrian-only areas and always be prepared for emergency stops, especially in busy Indian warehouses.

8. Be Transparent About Incidents

Cultivate a culture where incidents and near-misses are openly reported. This helps reduce future risks. After any incident, operators should check their trucks for damage before resuming work and follow proper procedures if faults are identified.

9. Take a Break!

Extended periods of sitting and operating a reach truck can lead to back and muscle problems. Encourage operators to take breaks, stretch, and move around to prevent injuries and lost working days.

10. Make Safety Guidelines and Training Available

Professional training and clear safety guidelines are key to preventing workplace incidents. Ensure that operators have access to ongoing training and updated safety information.

To learn more about improving reach truck safety through training, contact our friendly team today. We offer forklift training in Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and across India. Let RTITB India help you enhance safety and efficiency in your operations.

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